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Your advantages at a glance

PROCURE+i, the Portuguese Competence Centre for Innovation Public Procurement, supports public entities in the implementation of innovation public procurement initiatives and offers companies a chance to showcase their innovations. This platform is the bridge between the two.

Reach the public sector with your innovations!

As an innovative company, you can expect to attract visibility for your products and services through the use of this platform. With the Challenge feature, public entities give the market a signal about where and how innovative solutions are needed. The PROCURE+i team is here to help, without any costs. A few highlights:


  • Present your products and services directly to public sector clients.
  • Grow your network and visibility within the public sector.
  • Increase your chances of formalizing a public procurement contract.
  • Take part in a clear, fair and trusted process of market exploration.
  • Find innovation partners for future cooperation.
  • Keep the page of your summited solution in the Platform, even after the challenge ends, serving as a showcase for your company.

Find innovation tailored to your needs!

As a public entity, you will find the right innovation partner for your needs through the use of this platform. With the Challenge feature, you can give the market a signal about where and how innovative solutions are needed. The PROCURE+i team is here to help, without any costs. A few highlights:


  • Find the innovative solutions that you really need.
  • Gain more knowledge and understanding of the private sector's capacity for innovation and prepare better public procurement projects.
  • Participate in innovation dialogues with the companies that win the challenge.
  • Take part in a clear, fair and tested process of market exploration.
  • Grow your network and visibility within the private sector.

Services provided by the PROCURE+i Competence Centre:

  • Professional support on the design of the Challenge, moderation, and market activation.
  • Different levels of support according to your needs: Comprehensive support or short coordination.
  • Active communication and dissemination of your Challenge.
  • Marketing for your organization.

Strong partners stand behind PROCURE+i

An initiative of:

In cooperation with:

Original concept and idea by:


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